Collection of Materials of Workshop Held in Artsakh is Published

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Collection of materials of workshop - “Issues  and Prospect of Higher Education”, held in Stepanakert on June 28-29, 2017, initiated by Armenian State University of Economics  and Artsakh State University, has  been published.

The collection  begins with opening speech of Slavik Asryan, Minister of Education, Science  and  Sport in Artsakh Republic, Bako Sahakyan, President of Artsakh Republic, Levon Mkrtchyan, Minister of Education and Science in the  Republic of Armenia.

Then introductory speeches of ASUE, YSU, ArSU, PAARA, NUACA  and ANAU Rectors – Koryun Atoyan, Aram Simonyan, Manush Minasyan, Arsen Lokyan, Gagik Galstyan, Arshaluys Tarverdyan, as well as reports submitted in separate directions are followed.

The suggestions submitted in reports  and speeches, which can be  useful for higher education policy are  presented in the collection.

The  el-version of the  collection is available in ASUE website.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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