Start of New Cooperation: Representative of German Foundation is at ASUE

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Today, Olya Azatyan, Armenian Project Coordinator of “Heinrich Böll Stiftung” (HBS) South Caucasus  office, was hosted at ASUE, aimed at informing the 3rd  and 4th  year students of environmental economics specialty  about the  admission of  “Green Academy” for 2017.

Representative of the  foundation was first  hosted  at the Chair of Environmental Economics, Doctor of Sciences, Professor  Suren Gevorgyan’s office, ways to start cooperation  were discussed  then a meeting with students  and lecturers was held.

Olya Azatryan presented the  mission of  “Heinrich Böll” foundation, stated  that the  regional office of South Caucasus   foundation is  situated  in Tbilisi, and  Armenian Projects’ office has been recently opened in Yerevan.

The Foundation's activities are related to a number of environmental issues and in this context, the “Green concept” has been developed aimed  at solving key issues. Speaking about the  training courses of “Green Academy”  she  informed  that they  will be  conducted on November 25-29 in Aghveran and issues related to the search for energy and environmental alternatives in Armenia will be  mainly discussed.

“At this stage selection of students studying economics and politics is being carried  out, as an outcome 35 selected ones will only attend the training courses  of Green Academy. Application deadline  is October 16”; stated Olga Azatyan  and clarified  the application procedure.

Suren Gevorgyan summed  up the meeting underlining that it’s the first  step of a large-scale cooperation.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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