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As  you  know  ASUE graduates  should  sign in special  register  befor  getting  diplomas.  The  given information about the  start of this process has raised  some  questions.

We gave  some  clarifications: only the graduates  of full-time Bachelor  program should   come and sign in the  register  during the  fixed  days.They should take  the  moveable paper to the  Daen's Office, get a  report  and  go to sign in the  register only with  that report and  passport.  If you  can not  come  on the  day  fixed  for  your department you can come  the  day you  like  till  June 27.

The  graduates  of Master  program will be  informed additionally about the  day to come  and  sign in  the  register.

Working  hours  are 9.00a.m.-17:30p.m..

Additional  information about the  official ceremony  of  handing diplomas  will  be given.