Chair of Languages Announced the Start of Scientific Events: Hereinafter Scientific Seminars of Chairs will be Held

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Hereinafter, ASUE Science and PhD Division initiates  scientific seminars within the  frames  of chair scientific-research topics (including SCS grant-funded projects). The event launched today with the participation of staff of the Chair of Languages, which was attended by Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector  of Science and International Relations, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of Science  and PhD Division, Susanna Chalabyan, the Chair of Languages.

Gagik Vardanyan welcomed the new initiative, considering it an unprecedented one. The  Vice Rector stressed the importance of strengthening the research component at ASUE, calling the  professor  actively  participate in scientific-research seminars.

Then he  gave  the floor to reporters: the  professors  have  chosen interesting  and modern topics.

Kristina Torgomyan reported on “The Use of Communication Technologies During Teaching” referring to ways  and features of using modern technologies in teaching process.

Zukhra Yervandyan, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor presented  a  literary-analytical article  on the 95th anniversary of Grigor Gurzadyan, a prominent Armenian scientist, physicist, astronomer, writer, painter.

Elfina Tadevosyan, Associate Professor, spoke  on “The Ways of Creating Homonyms of Economic Terminology”. Armine Gasparyan, Lecturer, reported  on “Peculiarities of Translating Media  and Professional Texts”.

Khoren Mkhitaryan stated  that these  seminars will be conducted in ASUE all chairs during the 2017-2018 academic year.

As an outcome, it is expected to find out the key issues on selected topics, present conclusions and recommendations.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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