Tribute and Commemoration Ceremony at “Yerablur” Pantheon

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ASUE 200 students met September 21 at “Yerablur” Pantheon within the  frames  of measures initiated by our University Student Council  and Youth Foundation of Armenia dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the RA Independence Day.

University members laid wreaths to the tombs of war veterans, burned candles, commemorated the memory of the martyrs, and then prayed to God for holy prayer.

Harutyun Arzumanyan, ASUE lecturer, read Declaration of the RA Independence, then the students unanimously sounded the Armenian anthem.

Hovhannes Harutyunyan, SC President, evaluating the idea of Independence, highlighted that such events dedicated to the memory of the heroes brought  together more students year by year.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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