Today marks Koryun Atoyan's, ASUE Rector's, Doctor of Economics', Professor's, first year in office, connection to which we present Koryun Atoyan's speech directed to the members f ASUE:
Dear students and partners, it is already a year I am in office.
This period was full of practical steps. Being loyal to our slogan "We are changing", our University has done serious steps in number of directions, the results of which become visible gradually.
I have fully dedicated to this work and my main goal is to make the University more prestigious high education institute, unique brand, knowledge home, where education will be desirable, comfortable and conscious.
I am sure that you will see the power of recieved knowlegde and the opportunities in the result of it its possession, as there is no doubt that the future belongs to individuals and societies knowing the cost of knowledge and aspiring to it.
Sometimes we have disappointment occasions during our everyday work, but insted of distracting us from the way we have adopted they temper and make us more determined.
Serious works are done toward number of radical problems in the University, but one of the main goals, we want to reach, is the change of Psychology, the defeat of skepticism and for the benefit of our own University advancement the victory of joint work.
Everyone is our supporter and ally during this struggle, who shares this worth, who feel the breath of the time and the changes in wind direction.
I want to stress that entering the maelstrom of such process of reforms and facing problems: it means to ignore the feeling of fatigue, sometimes forget weekends and entirely dedicated to the desired purpose.
Be sure that during the upcoming days the reforms done in the University will have new process and content. We don't have a right to delay today, as the time and requirements presented to the education are changing.
Certainly there are still number of unsolved problems, which disturb everyone of us, but let's to get armed with patience and devote ourselves to work, as the unity of who believe their works success is blessed. In this case, be sure that the success will be inevitable. Remember the genius words of Avetiq Isahakyan, "Inspiration is a guest, which doesn't like to visit the lazies. It appears to those, who call it".
Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector