Representatives of “Lydian Armenia” Company were Hosted at ASUE Yeghegnadzor Branch

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Today, on September 13, representatives  of “Lydian Armenia” company were hosted  at ASUE Yeghegnadzor Branch, who presented detailed information on company investments, employment promotion, environmental protection, tourism and other areas, referred  to regional and community development policies of “Lydian Armenia”, answered the  students’ and academic staff members’ questions.

Sos  Khachikyan, the  Branch Director,  has submitted  the  information noting  that the  discussion showed that “Lydian Armenia” is not only a business sector company, but also a research and development institution, as well as an investment company  in community development projects. We are  glad to  note  that  students  and graduates of the Branch are  also involved in the  activities  of this company.

An agreement was reached with the representatives of the company to go on future cooperation in developing joint projects in environmental protection, mining, community development and tourism areas, activities of civil initiatives and public awareness.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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