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On January 13, took place the first meeting between Koryun Atoyan, Rector of Armenian State University of Economics, Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector for Science and International Relations Department and Yevgenya Pogosyan, Head of Department of Postgraduate Studies and part-time postgraduate students, applicants at the Conference Hall of the University.

  ’’You  have chosen hard, but at the same time interesting way of science. I want you treat your work seriously and discover a new world of science. In today’s changing world the knowledge is constantly updated, and you need to be able to walk along with the time requirements, learn to acquire new  knowledge and create your own one’’, said Rector, congratulating the postgraduates and the applicants. He assured that the Administration of the University, the academic departments are always ready to help and support the postgraduates and the applicants.

Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector for Science and International Relations introducing the changes in the educational process, noted that the postgraduates are to study in the credit system. He gave everybody his book ‘’Knowledge-Based Economy Opportunities and Challenges’’ and wished fruitful work.

In conclusion, Yevgenya Poghosyan, Head of Department of Post-graduate studies introduced the new procedures in educational process, changes and post-graduate work in individual leaving plan for part-time studies.

In addition, this year 27 students of part-time learning with scholarship, 4 without scholarship and 74 applicants have entered.