“Orange” Front – Winner of “Baze”: Pan-Armenian Gathering Has Been Summed up

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“Baze -2017” pan-Armenian youth gathering  was summed up on August 26. We are happy to note that the winner is the “Orange” front, where the University team was performing. Hovhannes Harutyunyan, President of ASUE SC, was the front director, who stated that our students have made a great contribution to the overall victory.

“9 students represented our University  in the “Orange” front, each of them has his/her contribution to  the  victory. The symbolizing cup - victorious hawk, has been added to the series of ASUE Student Council awards”; stated SC President,  who  was  also  awarded the  RA  NA Commemorative Medal by Ara Babloyan, the RA NA Speaker.

“Baze” pan-Armenian youth gathering is  organized  by Youth Foundation of Armenia every year, joining 18-30 years old hundreds of young people from Armenia, Artsakh, Diaspora. This year it was held on August 21-26, the number of participants reached to 500.

We congratulate the anniversary  of  “Baze”, the  organizers, participants  and the winning front.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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