Expansion of International Cooperation: Professors of the Hungarian University were at ASUE

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Within frames  of “Erasmus +” program professors  of the Hungarian University – Dora Horoward, Victor Molten, Jold Haragozo,  are  hosted at  ASUE on July 10-14, by the interaction program  between Armenian State University of Economics and University of Miskolc, Hungary.

Yesterday, accompanied by the employees of ASUE Foreign Relations Department, they took a tour  around the University, got acquainted with the buildings, Library, procedure  of  passing exams, activity of “AMBERD” Research Center.

Today, the  foreign professors  met ASUE  students, PhDs, young scholars, employees studied  and  trained at  foreign Universities.

Professors presented their research interests and the courses they conduct (Department of Economics), then focused  attention on features  of the Hungarian education system, referred to Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD programs at the University of Miskolc.

In this context, the audience addressed questions they were interested in, and discussion was  held. Prospects of scientific cooperation of partner Universities were pointed  out.

ASUE Foreign Relations Division informs  that ASUE 2 students have  studied, 1 professor  and 1 employee have trained  at University of Miskolc during the 2nd semester of  2016-2017 academic year.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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