Our Student in Warsaw Attended the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

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Davit Malkhasyan, Master’s degree  student  of the  Department of Accounting and Auditing, who  studys the current half-year at Warsaw School of Economics within the framework of “Erasmus +”, has attended the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, during which meeting  with the European Commissioner was held. The  information is  submitted  by ASUE Foreign Relations Division, stating that student’s candidacy is nominated by Erasmus Mundus Association in Armenia, previously coordinating it with the FR Division.

The meeting was followed by the EaP Youth Forum, bringing together over 300 youth leaders and youth policy makers from the EaP counties and the EU.  According to the publication in the official website of Erasmus Mundus Association, Davit  Malkhasyan mentioned  that the meeting with the Commissioner was held in a very friendly atmosphere, where everyone felt comfortable. “I didn`t expect him to be so open-minded and sincere regarding all the questions that participants asked him. We discussed issues of education in Eastern region, possible exchange opportunities for interested and active students. Topic about importance of establishing good relationships between neighbouring (and not only) countries was also brought up. In my opinion, it was a productive meeting, because we got a chance to have an insight on Commissioner`s opinion and could meet active participants of civil societies in represented countries and build up relationships with them. Regarding Armenia the Commissioner mentioned the importance to start youth program provided by the EU in Nagorno Karabakh. He also spoke about possibilities for Armenia to sign agreement with the EU on visa-free travel and possible obstacles to reach it.”

The publication is available at:  https://goo.gl/ZyQfnG.

ASUE Media and Public relations Division 

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