Greek University Employee is at ASUE: Training Program

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Within frames  of cooperation between ASUE  and Athens University of Economics and Business, (Greece), Ekaterini Glynou,  employee of specialized laboratory of the  mentioned  University (she is engaged in organizing exams, supports the learning process,  teaches “Computer Skills” to the 1st year students) is  hosted at ASUE within training program of “Erasmus +”  on June 26-30.

She  has recently met Manuk Movsisyan,  Dean of Department of Computer Science and Statistics, Vardan Sargsyan, Chair  of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems, Diana  Galoyan, Chair of International Economic Relations, discussed issues on educational process, programs at ASUE.

Today, accompanied by Vard Ghukasyan, Head of Foreign Relations Division, she  took a tour  in computer exam rooms, got acquainted with the procedure of the test exams. Samvel Hovhannisyan, Head of Information Technology Center, presented the process of organizing and conducting examinations in detail.

Ekaterini Glynou told  ASUE Media and Public Relations Division, that she  got excellent impressions from Armenia, ASUE. “I am so  happy  for being hosted in your country  and at your University. I have more impressed than I expected, I still feel in  positive and warm atmosphere from the Yerevan airport”, stated the Greek University delegate.

Glynou expressed  admiration on University’s latest technology equipment.

Vard Ghukasyan told ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division that ASUE  hosts a representative of Athens University for the first time. She  added  that cooperation with the  mentioned  University is  active  and ASUE 10 representatives – students, professors and administrative staff, have been hosted at Athens University of Economics and Business, (Greece) since joining “Erasmus +”.

Ekaterini Glynou is  interested in IT  and she’ll pass another  day  at ASUE getting  acquainted with IT related activities.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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