ASUE Gyumri Branch Celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Its Foundation

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ASUE Gyumri Branch is 20 years old. Today, on this  occasion, Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, Professor, Artur Khachatryan, Governor of Shirak province, Samvel Balasanyan, Gyumri Mayor, NA Deputies, professors, students, guests were  hosted in Gyumri  and attended  the jubilee event.

Koryun Atoyan congratulated the 20th anniversary of  the  Branch on behalf  of ASUE  Rectorate Board,  academic staff, employees and  students, stating that this  is a  holiday  of  the  Mother University. “Twenty years later, looking at the history of the Branch foundation, it can be stated that it carries out its mission with honor, is committed to providing high-quality educational service and a decent human-citizen upbringing”.

Our colleagues of the  Branch informed  that Samson Davoyan, the Branch Director, made an opening speech referring to the history and achievements of the Branch. A film about the Branch was screened.

Professors  made congratulatory remarks, Anjela Papikyan, Master’s degree student, CBA nominal scholarship recipient, also made a speech.

The event was also full of cultural performances.

P.S. The  photos are  submitted by the  Branch.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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