ASUE Lecturers and Administrative Staff were Trained at Galati Danubeus University in Romania

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Tigran Mnatsakanyan, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Management, Mare Khachatryan, Lecturer of Chair of Finance, Astghik Hovhannisyan, Junior Researcher of “AMBERD” research center, Lilit Gyulgulyan, senior assistant  of  Chair  of  Management  and Mariam Mnatsakanyan, Librarian of Scientific Reading Library attended the  exchange  program conducted at Galati Danubeus University in Romania within frames  of “Erasmus +” program on May 22-26.

Our  delegates  have discussed a number of issues  on teaching, carrying out  research works, organizing administrative  activities with lecturers  and administrative  staff of the  partner  University.  

Astghik Hovhannisyan has submitted the  information and  added  that the attendees  of  the  exchange  program of  our  University have  presented the main results of  visit sharing the  acquired experience.

P.S. ASUE Foreign Relations Division is the  coordinator  of “Erasmus +” program at our University.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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