Representatives of Foreign Partner Universities of ESPAQ were Hosted at ASUE: A Cognitive Visit

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On June 21, 2017, quality assurance  specialists  of ESPAQ partner Universities- University of Macerata, Italy, La Rioja International University, Spain and  Spiru Haret University, Romania, were hosted  at ASUE  within the project.

The aim of the visit was to get acquainted with the activities of our University, the quality assurance system and the experience of involving students in that process.

Activities  of Quality Assurance Division, features  of working process, institutional accreditation and current activities, works done to upgrade educational programs of specialties, involvement of stakeholders, including students in the quality assurance process have been presented to foreign guests during the discussion attended  by Nerses Gevorgyan, Head of Quality Assurance Division, employees, Karen Grigoryan, acting Chair of Macroeconomics, Gayane Merdinyan, Service Manager on Educational-Methodical Matters of Educational Division, Mary Hayrapetyan, student of Department of Management.

Then the  guests  took a tour  around ASUE visiting “AMBERD” Research Center, where the  employees introduced the Center’s activity, main directions and outcomes of  research works.  

The  information is  submitted  by Quality Assurance  Division, noting that the  specialists of European partner Universities  visited Armenian partner other Universities of ESPAQ project and ANQA. 

On June 22, Anna Pakhlyan, chief specialist of  ASUE Quality Assurance Division and Maria Petrosyan, leading specialist, attended a  meeting conducted  in National Quality Assurance Center aimed  at summing up  and discussing the  outcomes of  visit.

P.S. ASUE Quality Assurance Division is the coordinator of ESPAQ  at ASUE. The goal of the project is to extend the involvement of students, as internal stakeholders, in the quality assurance of Armenian HEIs. More information is available at :

P.S.  The  photos  are  submitted by Quality Assurance Division.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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