Discussion-Consultation around Postgraduate Specialized Education Programs

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Today, discussion-consultation was  held at ASUE Conference Hall, attended  by Gagik Vardanyan, Vice-rector of Science  and International Relations, Paruir Kalantaryan, Vice-rector  of Educational-methodological Matters, Khoren Mkhitryan, Head of Science  and PhD Division, Heads of Chairs.

According to decree of the RA  Minister of MES on May 24, 2017 directed  to Heads of higher education institutions and organizations carrying out post-graduate educational programs, changes should be made in the Law  of “Higher and Postgraduate Specialized Education”, which implies radical changes in the post-graduate educational programs.

Today’s discussions mostly referred  to changes in two interconnected parts of PhD programs - planned changes in educational and research components, in particular, elective courses and tests.

Highlighting reforms of the 3rd  level of education, as well as need of internationalization, Gagik Vardanyan presented  the scope of the issues to be discussed.

The Vice-rector recommended to  present the list of inter-chair elective courses.  At the  same  time, it’s assigned to develop educational programs planned for postgraduate specialized education programs.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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