“My Finance Month – 2017” Program: ASUE Students Won in Various Nominations

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The  RA Central Bank supported  by financial various organizations, carries  out “My Finance Month” program for  years, aimed at highlighting the reasonable management of personal finances, improving the financial well-being and social status.

Representatives  of different institutions in Yerevan and the RA  regions are involved in the program initiated by the CB,  and participate in competitions in a number of nominations.

Today, the  solemn ceremony of  summarizing “My Finance Month - 2017” program was  held in “Radisson Blue Hotel” celebrations hall, which was  attended by Armenak Darbinyan, the RA CB Board member, employees, program attendees, guests.

A group of students of Department of Finance, ASUE,  actively took part  in the  program and became  winner  in two nominations  and  Vahe Mikayelyan, Dean of the Department also  attended the  ceremony. ASUE team won “Savings Game” University Intellectual Championship (127 points). Here are  the team members: the  third year students  of Customs  specialty - Naira Harutyunyan, Ani Andreasyan, Angin Abroyan, Lilit Melikyan, Tatevik Simonyan, Vahagn Simonyan. As well as Angin Abroyan  and Lilit Melikyan won in processing competition on “Save Money, Save the Environment” (making new products from waste), who  made beautifully designed lanterns from glass bottles (see the 4th photo). Lilit Melikyan also won in online financial economic competition (Facebook)  conducted  within the frames  of the program  and  was  awarded the CB medal.  She  also  was involved in team of volunteers and was awarded certificate.

Armenak Darbinyan stated in welcoming speech that the scope  of “My Finance Month”  program is  expanding year by year and  public interest is growing. The  CB Board member emphasized the need for the reasonable management of personal finances.

Then Armenuhi Mkrtchyan, Head of Consumer Rights Protection and Financial Literacy Center, spoke about the  program content and the outcomes  achieved during years. She mentioned that this year’s oldest participant is 83 years old, the youngest – 7.

Awarding ceremony took part during the second part of the event. More than two dozen participants were awarded certificates  and prizes by  partner organizations.

Vahe Mikayelyan awarded prizes to ASUE team.

We congratulate our students and wish new success.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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