“ASUE Graduate – 2017”: Solemn Ceremony of Awarding Diploma

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Graduate diplomas of  Armenian State  University of Economics will be awarded on June 23, 2017.  The ceremony is scheduled to be held on the  mentioned  day. Sevak Khachatryan, Vice-rector on Students and  Alumni Affairs, submitted  the  information to ASUE Media and Public Relations Division, stating that the event  will  have an official part – awarding diploma, and also entertaining part. The  Vice-rector  mentioned  that graduates  of all educational forms are  invited  to attend the  event, but diplomas of full-time Bachelor’s degree  students  will be only awarded.  Additional information on awarding diplomas of  other educational forms  will be available soon.

Educational Division informs  that the  graduates  should be present  at the  mentioned  Division before  June 23 presenting  passport  and the reference letter given by Dean offices.

Here  are  the  schedule  for  the  Departments:

Department of Accounting and Auditing - June 19, at 9:30-12:30,

Department of Computer Science and Statistics – June 19, at 14:00-17:00,

Department of Finance – June 20, at 9:30-12:30, then also at 14:00-17:00,

Department of Management – June 21, at 9:30-12:30,

Department of marketing and Business  Organization – June 21, at 14:00-17:00,

Department of Regulation of Economy 
and International Economic Rеlations – June 22, at 9:30-12:30.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division

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