New Master’s Degree Programs at ASUE

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Master’s degree admission for the 2017-2018 academic year goes  on at Armenian State University of Economics.  

ASUE  carries out admission with new educational programs: Master’s degree joint  programs  with foreign Universities, as well as National Bureau of Expertise are introduced. New  specialties enable students  to study both in Armenian and foreign Universities:  passing internship and  enriching practical skills.

Here  are  the programs:

“Project Management” (“Project Management in Tourism and Real Estate Sectors”) is carried  outjoint with Armenian State University of Economics, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Polytechnic University of Valencia and Economics Faculty of  Rimini Branch of Bologna University (Italy).

Duration of the program study is 2 years, the first-year-study is carried out in Armenia at ASUE  and NUACA, the second-year-study at Polytechnic University of Valencia.

Master’s degree students  will get an opportunity to pass internship in Rimini Branch of Bologna University (Italy) and to prepare graduate thesis. At the  end  of  the  study they will be awarded graduation diploma  of ASUE, NUACA and Polytechnic University of Valencia. Graduates will be certified   Master’s degree of  management, project management.

More information submitted by Quality Assurance Division is  available  in the  attached file.

“Business Organization” (“Business Evaluation” specialization): in the frames of “Business Evaluation” Master’s degree program “Business Evaluation” educational program is jointly organized together with National Bureau of expertise, which has 90 credits of workload and lasts for 1.5 year.

The goal is to prepare qualified specialists in business evaluation, who  will be  aware of  the methodology and modern techniques of  business  valuation, as well as resolution application tools demanded for developing business models  and strategies. Graduates  can work as experts or consultants to evaluate different types  of businesses  and  business  projects,  specialists for property management, as well as create business evaluation and consulting firms.

MBA  and EMBA programs  are carried  out in the  framescooperation agreement  signed  by ASUE  and Swiss UMEF University on April 12, 2017. The training courses  are conducted in English by academic staff  arrived from USA, Canada, European and  other countries. Students who successfully completed courses will be  awarded double diploma  of UMEF University and ASUE.

UMEF University will enable students  with  higher academic progress to study in Geneva campus. Duration is 2 years.

P.S. Meeting  with undergraduate students  of Bachelor’s degree will be  held  on June 13, 2017, at 12:00, at ASUE Conference Hall /main building/. Alain Hoodashtian, Vice Rector of Educational Affairs of Swiss UMEF University, Professor, will present MBA  and EMBA programs,  scholarship programs, admission procedures.

For more information on the  mentioned specialties  follow  the  mentioned  link:

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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