The 1st Stage of Admission of Full-time Bachelor’s Degree at ASUE was Summed up

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The 1st stage of admission of full-time Bachelor’s degree for the 2017-2018 academic year was over yesterday.  ASUE Admission Committee summed up the outcomes  and Vadim Grigoryan, Executive  Secretary, stated that ASUE  has 966 entrants.

The  additional stage will  be held from June 25 to July 2. The  RA dual citizens, foreigners, the RA citizens graduating from foreign Universities, demobilized spring conscriptions, graduates  of pre-vocational and vocational educational institutes may  apply for this  stage.

For more information on specialties  of full-time Bachelor’s degree and  other  information  follow the  mentioned  link -

Today, the first stage of admission of full-time  Master’s degree for the 2017-2018 academic year has started and  will be over on June 9. The  second  stage  will start on June 2 and will last till July 5.

For more information on specialties of full-time  Master’s degree  and  other necessary  information follow the  mentioned  link -

Here  are  the addresses  of ASUE Admission Committee:

128 Nalbandyan str., 0025 Yerevan, Tel: 593 473,

32  V.  Sargsyan str., Gyumri, Tel: 00374 312 25410,

4 Vayk str.,  Eghegnadzor, Tel:  00374 281 25410.

Good luck to all entrants.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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