Business Idea and New Approach Suggested by 1st year Students: English Open Lecture

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Today, the 1st year students  of Department of Management summed up the knowledge gained during the  academic year by an open lecture.  Kristina Torgomyan, professor of the Chair of Languages, has initiated the  measure, which enables students to act with business ideas based on innovation and uniqueness.

The 1st year students have studied today’s commodity market, carried out SWOT analysis, observed competitors in order to fulfill business idea, emphasized the benefits of the proposed product.  They introduced all the  mentioned with beautiful and fluent English, interesting presentation. The lecture was attended by Susanna Chalabyan, Head of the Chair, professors.

Students Mary Stepanyan, Meline Davtyan, Sofya Karapetyan, Lyuba Sargsyan, Maria Nigoyan made speeches.  It’s remarkable that the 1st year students suggest to create Armenian  perfume based on the  idea of applying  mainly rich and diverse plants and flowers in Armenia.

Considering the current competition in perfume market the  students  emphasized the exclusivity of their brand: natural and chemical ingredients are minimal.

At the  end  of the lecture Susanna  Chalabyan assessed the  students’ oral presentation skills in English and team work excellent.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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