Austrian Students are Interested in ASUE: Lecture at our University

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A group of Bachelor’s degree students  of University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria conducted a three-day-visit to Armenia. They were interested in Armenian State University of Economics and  expressed desire to be hosted at ASUE, to listen to a lecture.

Today, ASUE Foreign Relations and Educational Divisions organized a lecture on “The Consequences of Armenian’s Membership to Eurasian Economic Union”, which was conducted by Diana Galoyan, Head of the Chair of International Economic Relations, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor.

The  measure was  attended  by Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector of Science  and International Relations, Aghavni Hakobyan, Head of Educational Division, Vard Ghukasyan, Head of  Foreign Relations Division.

Gagik Vardanyan welcomed Austrian students and their lecture-researcher Eva Martina David welcomed, noting that  he’s glad to see them in one of the World’s most ancient  countries – Armenia, then the oldest Universities – ASUE.

The lecture was based on the  economic changes in Armenia since the  membership to EAEU. Diana  Galoyan pointed out the main reasons for which our country joined the mentioned economic structure.

The lecture  was  full of interesting clarifications. The topic was actual one, that’s why all students  asked  questions, wondering about different directions of Armenia’s foreign economic policy.

The guests got necessary  information on ASUE, as modern educational institution, and especially were interested whether it is involved in international educational and scientific-research programs.

Austrian students left ASUE greatly impressed and expressed a desire to visit it again.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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