It’s Planned to Invest PhD New Program at ASUE: Discussions within the Frames of “VERITAS”

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“Economics” PhD program  was developed, deep self-analysis and SWOT analysis were carried out at ASUE  within the frames  of EU Tempus “VERITAS” project.

Today, the expert group, carrying out external evaluation, was hosted  at ASUE: duration of the program, the  quality and investment opportunities  were discussed and  assessed during the whole  working day. Meetings  with the University Leadership, authors  of the  program, scientific supervisors, professors and PhDs were held.

Head of the expert group is Peter Ekbak, Professor of the Institute of Educational Technology, Sweden-consortium member of the program, members are Tatul Mkrtchyan, Dean of the Department of  Marketing and Business Organization, Associate Professor, Gayane Merdinyan,  Service Manager on Educational-Methodical Matters of Educational Division, Lida Dilbaryan, PhD. Lilit Pipoyan, ANQA representative, coordinates the group’s activity.

Co-authors  of the  mentioned PhD program  are Paruir Kalantaryan, Vice Rector on Educational-Methodological Affairs and Karen Grigoryan, acting Head of the  Chair of Macroeconomics, Associate Professor. It was  developed based on Salzburg principles, corresponds  to a frame of European and national qualifications.

“It’s  planned  to invest it as a pilot program at ASUE. Note, that study of international best practice (benchmarking) was carried  out while developing the mentioned PhD program, including experience of “VERITAS” European partner Universities were observed. As an advantage, we should  mention that it is aimed to provide optimal correlation of academic component of PhD education and research component (30% +70%), substantially increase  the  role  of  scientific supervisor, orientate  internationalization, invest  interdisciplinary studies and research, prepare innovative thesis”; Karen Grigoryan mentioned.

ASUE Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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