Meeting with Representatives of “INECOBANK”: More Than 50% of Bank Employees are ASUE Graduates

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Today, Anna Davtyan, Head of PR and Selection Division of “INECOBANK” and Elina Stepanyan, specialist of the same Division, met ASUE students, presented vacancies and job opportunities. ASUE Lifelong Education and Career Division has organized the  meeting.

The  guests screened a  film presenting the practice of  their best employees, assuring that Bank provides the best working conditions and career growth.

While interviewing Anna Davtyan mentioned that it’s planned to open Bank branches and there is a need to replenish a number of vacancies. So, they organize  a contest in order to replenish “INECOTEAM”.

“Our target groups are graduate year students, who are knowledgeable, young and energetic, have great potential and want to start their professional career. The  Bank conducts training courses for graduate students, exchange practical knowledge and the  best ones are provided with a job”; Head of PR  and Selection Division mentioned, who is also ASUE  Graduate.

The employer highly evaluated the competitiveness of our University graduates and stressed that more than 50% of “INECOBANK” employees are ASUE graduates.

Aida Arustamyan, Head of Life Long Education and Career Division, told us that such meetings are aimed at strengthening student-employer relationship, especially supporting graduate students to find a job and called students to attend such meetings actively.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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