Entrants are Getting Acquainted with University of Economics

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Ahead of the start of registration process for entrants, high school pupils go on searching information on professional educational institutes.

ASUE  representatives conduct informative meetings for entrants within the  frames  of cooperation program with High Schools.

Program Coordinator  for ASUE cooperation with High Schools, Lecturer of the Chair of Languages Lusine Karagulyan, Vice Dean of the Department of Marketing and Business Organization, Assistant Professor of the Chair of International Economic Relations Karmen Grigoryan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Theory of Economics Narine Khlghatyan, the 4th year  student  Ani Mavyan visited N113 school after Norik Khachatryan today. Head Teacher Susanna Khalatyan met the University members, who drew pupils’ attention on  ASUE specialties, tuition fees, social programs  and more information on student life, then  Ani Mavyan presented a slide show on “Tourism Management” specialty.

“Tntesaget” magazine  and ASUE information catalogue were awarded them.

At the  end  of the  meeting School-University cooperation was verified by a memorandum.

“There were many students who want to get an education in economics, but had not decided on the choice of the University. At the  end of the meeting they mentioned  that they’ll apply ASUE”; Lusine Karagulyan told ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division and added  that the pupils of the mentioned  school will soon visit our University.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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