Special Tactical Training was Conducted at ASUE

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On World Civil Defense Day (March 1) various measures  are organized-open lectures, tactical trainings and etc.. ASUE  also  participates in these measures.

Today, special tactical training was conducted at ASUE initiated  by Yerevan Municipality and the Rescue Service of the RA Ministry of Emergency Situations, which was actively attended by  ASUE administrative staff headed by Vice Rector on Administrative and Business Affairs Mikhail Karapeyan and the  Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense  headed by  Candidate of  Chemistry, Associate Professor Siranush Harutyunyan.

1st and 2nd year students participated  in the training which was conducted  by Head of Center Division of Yerevan Rescue Service, R/S Lieutenant Colonel Kamo Voskanyan  and senior instructor, captain Stepan Stepanyan.

Summing up the measure Kamo Voskanyan highlighted this kind of measures and mentioned that everybody should participate in if necessary.  He also answered the students' questions.




ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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