Responsible for the Entrusted Activity: “HAYKYAN” Awards to ASUE Representatives

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On February 24, “Haykyan-2016” award ceremony was held in  Armenian National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after Alexander Spendiaryan, which was attended by the RA President Serzh Sargsyan.

The  official website of YFA informs  that “Haykyan” annual ceremony,  which  values  the best initiatives in the youth sector, institutions and individuals for their outstanding work, was devoted  to the 25th anniversary of the RA Armed Forces.

Special prizes were awarded by the President Serzh Sargsyan during the ceremony.  47 soldiers, awarded "Battle Cross" 1st degree and "Battle Cross" 2nd degree, were awarded “Haykyan-2016” special prize.  We are  glad to mention that one of them is ASUE  student Harutyun Badalyan.

A number of traditional nominations of “Haykyan-2016” award were handed, among them “The Best President of Student Self-Government Body” was awarded to the President of ASUE SC Sergey Kharatyan.

“The  Best Youth NGO in the Region” nomination was awarded to “Union of Young Scientists and Specialists of Artsakh” NGO (Founding Director Siranush Petikyan). The award was handed to NGO members, Associate Professor of the Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History, ASUE, Senior  Researcher of  “Public Policy and Security Research” program,   “Amberd” Research Center Sofya  Ohanyan  and PhD of the Chair  of International Economic Relations Hermine Katvalyan.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations Division Sergey Kharatyan mentioned that this award is encouraging, and it is the assessment   for the whole SC team.  He  also spoke about the outlined plans; “We’ll go on working with the same enthusiasm  and dedication, drew attention on student’s interests, carrying out social projects. The  next day of the award ceremony the SC representatives  visited military union in Sisian, met soldiers, handed gifts.  It’s planned  to visit nursing home on April 7 to congratulate Women’s Day. These  are only a  part of the outlined  measures. We’ll do our best to be the worthy bearer of the award”.

Sofya  Ohanyan mentioned that  having a two-year-history the structure, which joins young scholars, specialists carrying out studies of various issues of Artsakh and contributing to their solutions, has managed to conduct round table discussions, competitions, educational trainings.

Congratulations  to ASUE representatives  and wish them more enthusiasm to go ahead, to be initiative and useful for society.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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