Both Theoretical and Practical Knowledge: Open Lesson for Future Auditors

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Today, the training of  “Audit 1” course  of the 3rd year, Audit specialty was conducted by Auditor of "SME Investments" UCO CJSC Hayk Babayan.

Associate Professor of the Chair of Managerial Accounting and Auditing, lecturer of the mentioned course Vahan Babayan had initiated the open lesson,  which was attended by the  Head of the Chair, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Liana Grigoryan, Vice Dean of the Department of Accounting and Auditing Sona Ghazaryan, lecturers.

Vahan Babayan made welcoming remarks  and  referred to impressive presentation on “Internal Audit” conducted recently by internationally qualified auditor Ara Chalabyan and  called students to follow international science news, to adopt best practices and to invest in our country.

Hayk Babayan, starting the training, explained the role of audit  in the process of making management decisions based on his working  experience, features  of  the company’s audit of noncurrentintangible assets, noncurrent financial assets, commodity and material resources, receivables and current financial investments.

The training was conducted in an interactive format, the  students  improved their knowledge by raising questions and getting certain answers.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media and Public Relations  Division Vahan Babayan mentioned  that they drew attention on both theoretical and practical knowledge, that’s why open lessons by experienced specialists  are conducted more  often and, of course, it’s the best way to improve the acquired knowledge.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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