Future Students Got Acquainted with Our University

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University of Economics hosts high school pupils-future students, on these days, who are  very impressed by our University. Today our guests were the 10th -12th  form pupils from N43 High School after Grigor Zohrap accompanied by teachers Laura Arakelyan and Zara Harutyunyan.

The visit began with a study tour: the pupils were greatly interested in the University buildings, sport gyms, library, Student Council. Then an informative meeting for future  students  were conducted by Program Coordinator for ASUE cooperation with High Schools, Lecturer of the Chair of Languages Lusine Karagulyan, Assisstant Professor of the Chair of Finance Lusine Harutyunyan and Associate Professor Edgar Aghabekyan.

The pupils  were greatly interested in the Department of Finance and previously expressed wish to listen to a lecture on finances. First, the Dean Vahe Mikayelyan welcomed the guests, spoke  about the specialties, tuition fee, discount system. Then Edgar Aghabekyan conducted a training on “Financial Markets”, submitting general information on banks, insurance companies, investment funds activities.

Our professors  referred to the main issues the pupils were interested in: admission system, regulations, procedures, tuition fees, specialties, social assistance programs.

Today, ASUE has resigned the cooperation memorandum with the mentioned High School.




ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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