ASUE as a Participant of eDrone Project

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ASUE Foreign Relation Division submitted  information that within the frames of “Erasmus +” program eDrone project  has launched, which is attended by Armenian two Universities-Armenian State University of Economics and National  Polytechnic University of Armenia, a number of foreign Universities- Italian, French, Polish, Romanian, Georgian, Moldavian and Belarus.

The official opening ceremony of the Project was held in National Polytechnic University of Armenia on February 14.  The opening ceremony speeches were delivered by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy in the RA H.E. Mr. Giovanni Ricciulli,  "Erasmus +" Programme Coordinator in Armenia Lana Karlova, eDrone Project  Coordinator, Professor of the University of Sannio (Italy) Pascal Daponte, Vice Rector of International Relations of National Polytechnic University of Armenia Ruben Aghgashyan.

The opening ceremony was immediately followed by the presentation of reports and discussions of representatives  of  participating universities. Chief specialist of ASUE Foreign Relations Division Margarita Marukyan presented ASUE.

The aim of eDrone proposal is to define a learning environment to deliver more opportunities to access new competences related to the use of drone technologies in professional activities. These new competences refer in particular to the use of advanced ICT solutions for the use of drones and of the data acquired through drones that may go a long way towards the goals and priorities in terms of optimization of the professional competences.

Foreign Relations Division highlights that the University actions under the Project will be aimed at providing marketing support, considering that the main part of the Project partners are technical universities.

Photos are submitted  by ASUE Foreign Relations Division.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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