ASUE Official Website has been Updated: the First Visitor is ASUE Rector

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Dear visitors,

ASUE official website has been reformed  and  updated. Keeping the University brand colors the website has been completely rebuilt. The  first visitor is  ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan.

Big banners are the first, which draws attention to University important events, as well as necessary information.  The  page  of ASUE “AMBERD” Research Center was turned  to a  portal with separate banners, headings  and  sections. Small  banners are added  becoming from 3 to 6: “AMBERD” Research Center, University Library, which leads to the website of digital library,  International Cooperation and Programs, ASUE Financial and Economic College, Education and Career.

All pages and headings, information of Administrative   and Academic Divisions,   staff information, documents have been thoroughly updated, all necessary regulations  and procedures on academic process are presented.

The most active and the most visited sections of our website-“News” and “Announcements” have been updated. They are presented by a new design and technical solutions, which allows to know how many times they have been viewed. Another innovation is the creation of an archive of news, which is  useful and necessary function, as the experience of the previous  years has shown. It is presented in calendar form. An electronic phonebook is  also created, which enables hundreds of visitors to find the contacts of the University Leadership, main Divisions, as well as “AMBERD” Research Center, ASUE Financial and Economic College  and ASUE Branches.

Photos  of  all headings  have been changed.  ASUE Facebook official page is still attached to the website. The famous logo of the social network is presented on the top of the  website with the  logos  of  Youtube  and  messenger, the  letter  enables ASUE  subdivisions to log in own e-mail immediately.

Reconstruction of the website has started at the  end  of 2016. After getting Rector  Koryun Atoyan’s approval ASUE Media and Public Relations Division  started  updating the website by active support of ASUE Center of Information Technology.

“Fundamental reforms in various areas of the University activity have been carried  out  during the  previous 5 years. ASUE  Media and Public Relations Division has been created in this context, which aimed at transparent, accountable socialization of  the University activity. I think we have done our best to solve the problem, today the level of public awareness about our programs, University reforms and achievements is  high enough. I am sure that our University’s new website, keeping its good traditions, will enter a new stage of development, continuing to increase its audience, staying faithful to its stakeholders’ needs and goals of the University activities”; ASUE Rector, Doctor in Economics, Professor Koryun Atoyan mentioned.

During a six-year-history ASUE  official website has created a large army of visitors- annually 450-470 thousand.  We are glad to mention that the website is  a reliable source for professors, employees, students and other stakeholders.  Updating and enrichment activities of the website will be continued, we plan to enrich it  with the resources on academic process, new and necessary information on educational process. 

Dear visitors,

we hope that the updated website will be more attractive and more convenient for both your working process and getting information.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division

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