ASUE Encourages Scientific-research Activity

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ASUE  Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, faithful to the adopted approach, continues to encourage students’ research activity. It’s about the groups conducting  research works on “Graphene and Prospects for an Innovative Economy Formation in the RA” /directed by Associate Professor of the  Chair of Macroeconomics Tsovinar Karapetyan/  and “Analysis of the RA Market of Entertainment Services”  and “Analysis of the RA  Market of Funeral Services” /directed by Head of the Chair of Commerce  and Business Organization, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Mikayel Mardumyan/.

According to the Rector Koryun Atoyan’s decree dozen of students involved in these groups  and scientific directors were recently awarded.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division talked to Head of the Chairs of Macroeconomics  and Commerce and Business Organization Tatul Mkrtchyan  and Mikayel Mardumyan. They expressed their joy and gratitude to the University Rector for evaluating students’ activities  and motivating their scientific-research activities. The  Heads mentioned  that the  interest in research  guides students /Master’s/ to science arena, postgraduate education/PhD/.

“The  initiative of involving students /Master’s/ in research aimed at developing team working: it’s very important when the professor can generate interest,   promote to research activity. It’s important to mention that 26 Masters of State Regulation of Economy  and Macroeconomic Analysis specializations are involved in research. It’s planned to strengthen, to develop  the research and to publish the outcomes”; Tatul Mkrtchyan said.

Mikayel Mardumyan highlighted  that 15 Masters were involved in research, which aimed at developing team work, rhetorical skills  and etc..

“When I suggested the  students to conduct a team research they immediately welcomed the idea and  we started.  The  students were excited  that their  work is  evaluated  and encouraged by the University Leadership”;  Head of the Chair mentioned and added the research will be continued and new research themes and ideas are born.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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