Educational Reforms. Discussion by ASUE Rector and Students

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Today, ASUE  Rector, Doctor in Economics, Professor Koryun Atoyan met representatives  of ASUE SC in his  office to  discuss educational reform proposals.  The discussion was attended by Vice Rector on Educational-Methodological Matters Paruir Kalantaryan, Head of Educational Division Aghavni Hakobyan, Director  of Educational-Methodological Affairs  Service of the  same Division Gayane Merdinyan, Head of the  Chair  of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems Vardan Sargsyan.

P.S. Rector  Koryun Atoyan has  recommended the SC  to  study  and to present students’ concerns, which need solutions. Within the  frames of this initiative a meeting  was already  held   And  today the  SC  representatives headed  by SC President Sergey Kharatyan presented  educational reform package composed as a result of inquiries.

Summing up the meeting first Koryun Atoyan thanked students for the initiative, then stressed University Leadership is  ready  for further discussions  and to solve  students’ problems.

“We are all interested in improving the quality of education  and providing justice for students study”; mentioned the Rector. Vice Rector  Paruir Kalantaryan highlighted students’ participation in this process. Sergey Kharatyan thanked the University Leadership for listening to students concerns  and regularly conducting such discussions.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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