ASUE “AMBERD” Research Center Expands the Range of International Partners: New Cooperation Agreement

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ASUE  “AMBERD”  Research Center has  started new  year  with new  achievements-expanding the  range  of international  partnership. 

Recently Research Center  of  our University  has  signed  a cooperation agreement with  Central Asia Institute of Shaanxi Normal University.

P.S. The  cooperation withShaanxi Normal University was  started since  last  year- initiated  by Associate  Professor  at  ASUE Chair  of  Political Science  and Law Vardan Atoyan,  who  is  also  a special expert and invited  Professor of the Central Asia Institute  of the  mentioned Chinese University.

At the  end  of 2016 cooperation memorandum was  signed  between two Universities /more  information is  available  in the  mentioned  link

Today the cooperation includes the  research centers  of the Universities.

Research Centers hereby undertake to cooperate in the field of scientific and research development- implementing joint research of mutual interest, exchange of researchers, implementing publications of joint research, organizing international conferences, workshops  and forums and etc.. It should be noted, that Shensi University is one of  the country's most prestigious higher education institutions.

Director  of “AMBERD” Research Center, Candidate  in Economics, Associate Professor Armen Grigoryan referred to perspectives of cooperation with Central Asia Institute. He  also  mentioned  that “AMBERD” is one  of the unique research centers in Armenia  which  has  such  kind  of  cooperation agreement with one of Chinese leading specialized Think Tanks. We  should express  our gratitude to Associate  Professor  of the  Chair  of Political Science and Law Vardan Atoyan  for conducting negotiations  and reaching  preliminary agreement.

We would  like  to  mention that the cooperation with the  mentioned Chinese scientific-research institute has great potential.

Cooperation memorandum and its successful implementation have  great  importance in terms of  the Center’s  internationalization  and diversification of funding sources for  research  projects.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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