Expertise Visit to ASUE within GOVERN Project

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Specialist of National  Center For Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation (ANQA)   and  the German System of Quality Assurance  and Accreditation in Higher Education (ASIIN) are conducting  expertise visits to ASUE to  carry out external assessment of stakeholder Universities  of GOVERN project.  The  visits aim to assess the effectiveness of the management system of higher education institutions  and results  of GOVERN project. 

Team members  are Richard Korf from University of Münster, Germany, Director  of the German System of Quality Assurance  and Accreditation in Higher Education Michael Meyer, ANQA expert Lilit Pipoyan, Siranush Khachatryan from Gavar State University  and YSU student Diana Karapetyan.

Today, the  expertise  team met ASUE  Rector, Doctor  in Economics, Professor Koryun Atoyan. Team Director Richard Korf  introduced  the  results  of  meetings  in ASUE, stressed that the  University employees  were well informed about the project, highlighted  the  features  of GOVERN project,  it  deals  with all  directions  and  subdivisions of University  activity, highly  evaluated ASUE  development strategic program  and  annual plan, positively assessed the University staff efforts aimed at project  implementation.

Summing up the results of  visit the experts thanked Rector  Koryun Atoyan  and  expressed  hope  that the  cooperation  with  ASUE  will  be  continued.

ASUE  Rector thanked  for  expertise  visit  and  the  assessment,  then mentioned that participation in such projects is  great honor for  Armenian Universities. Highlighting  that ASUE  attaches  great importance  to participation in such  projects:  University Head mentioned  that although there have been many improvements in education, but there is still much to be done to improve education quality, to  make our  University a student-centered institute.

Director  of Educational-methodological Affairs  Service  of  ASUE  Educational Division Gayane Merdinyan told  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division that GOVERN (Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development of State-of-the-art HE Management System for Efficient Changes in Line with Bologna Principles) is  a three-year-national project, the wider objective is to enable application of the state-of-the-art management system at Armenian HEIs for promoting effective and efficient structural changes in line with Bologna agenda thus enhancing HEIs autonomy and accountability.

Within GOVERN project ASUE self-evaluation has  been carried  out  by the  working  team according to ASIIN  format,  which  was sent for study  by ANQA and ASIIN.  Expertise  visit /24.01.2017-25.01.2017/  was conducted  after the  study,  which  was  attended  by Heads  of various  Departments, employees, Deans, educational project managers, members of Faculty  staff  and  students.

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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