ASUE Representatives’ Article in “Содружество” Scientific magazine

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The  article authored  by Associate Professors of  the  Chair  of Macroeconomics Gayane Avagyan, Knarik Vardanyan  and PhD  of  the  same  Chair Vazgen Poghosyan has been published  in the last edition in 2016 of Russian-Chinese “Содружество”  magazine, under “Economics” heading.

Research  topic is “The Interlinkages between Real Effective Exchange Rate and Economic Competitiveness in the Republic of Armenia”.

This paper tries to reveal the relationships between the real effective exchange rate and economic competitiveness in the RA, evaluate the impact of changes of some factors describing economic competitiveness on real effective exchange rate and vice versa, forecast the behavior of some indicators that describe the real effective exchange rate and economic competitiveness in the middle term.

“In recent years, the concept of competitiveness has emerged as a new paradigm in economic development. Competitiveness captures the awareness of both the limitations and challenges posed by global competition, at a time when effective government action is constrained by budgetary constraints and the private sector faces significant barriers to competing in domestic and international markets. Under these circumstances, the role of real relative prices, such as real effective exchange rate, becomes more and more important. The real effective exchange rate is an aggregation of several bilateral real exchange rates with respect to other countries. The aggregation is usually done under the assumption of constant elasticity of substitution (CES) between products from different countries”; Gayane Avagyan mentioned.

The  electronic version of the  article is  available in the  mentioned  link:

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