Co-founders of Practice Center on Accountants Training at ASUE: Seminar for Students

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Today, a seminar on “Accounting and tax accounting in practice” was held at ASUE. Co-founders of Practice Center on Accountants Training- Director Diana Mnatsakanyan and qualified auditor, chief accountant Davit Arakelyan were hosted at our University by initiative of SC Committee of External Affairs.

Davit Arakelyan delivered a speechand  introduced the  systems of the company’s online registration, submitting electronic reports and write off the settlement documents, explained the procedure for activating the electronic signature etc..

Diana  Mnatsakanyan told ASUE Media and Public Relations Division that their  center conducts training, study and gives practical knowledge.

“Today, the employer requires a practical knowledge, and  the student acquires more theoretical knowledge: our  center tries to give the practical one.  By conducting seminars in the Universities we introduce the  activity of  our center, then try to fill students’ practical skills, and as well as to get to know the level of their knowledge, their requirements”.

At the  end of the meeting representatives  of the center  answered  the  students’ questions.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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