No Rabis Music: Students for Purity of Folk Music

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Today, “Nzhdeh” military patriotic club joint a group of students of Department of Management conducted a seminar-training, which say accurate and flat “NO” to rabis music.

“No rabis music” students stated the heading of the  measure: rabis music is non Armenian musical thinking,  more specifically, it doesn’t contain national tones and emphasis.

“Why do we adopt others values, why do they steal our treasures and adopt them, and we preach and spread their tasteless ones”; mentioned the President of “Nzhdeh” military patriotic club Hayk Grigoryan, and the students said that rabis music can’t be  a  part of our  culture.

Lilit Petrosyan (Management, 1st year), Anahit Takiryan (Tourism Management, 3rd year), Karine Davtyan (Management, 1st year), Ani Harutyunyan (Tourism Management, 2nd year)  referred to origin and development of rabis music, the rapid spread trends  and etc..

The  students  mentioned  that it is important to recognize  the  treasures of our  folk music, to pamper and present them for protecting the purity of our spiritual and physical homeland and its cultural heritage, as they mentioned the  music has language and thinking and we should resist our inner enemy, which tries to impose  us the tongue of a stranger instead of the Mother one.

At the  end of the measure the attendees acted with an initiative: they submitted  a list of Armenian folk music  and  asked  the attendees to spread the songs via Internet (Facebook)-#ASUE#Nzhdeh_SC.

Anahit Takiryan performed the song “Aghunik”.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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