“Progress” Interuniversity Workshop: A Platform for Study and Self-Discovery

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ASUE Student Council joint with Youth Foundation of Armenia conducted “Progress” interuniversity workshop at our University on November 26-27, which was attended by 70 students of Armenian state and non-state Universities. The information is submitted by ASUE SC.

During the workshop experienced professionals from various sectors made speeches, interactive games and discussions were conducted, theoretical knowledge  and practical skills were exchanged aimed to be presentable and competitive in labor market, to right use of potential and to innovative thinking.

The key topics for discussion are business, advertising, marketing, PR, business ethics.

Members of ASUE SC welcomed the attendees and announced the start of workshop.  More than 1000 students have submitted participation application, 70 of them were selected by the motivation letter  and interview.

First speaker was  the Vice President of ASUE SC Grisha Amirkhanyan and reported on “Beyond the Auditorium”.  He highlighted students’ self-education, development of working experience and  continuous skills during the years of study, the  speaker mentioned the students should demonstrate social activity during University years joining students, youth structures, participating in youth measures, professional discussions, seminars, workshops and after going through these stages confidently present the employer.

Founder of “Ayvazyan & partners” company, management expert, business trainer Vahe Ayvazyan reported on “Progress in Business”. “You should always strive to acquire  more and more, as You stop striving you stop living and there will be people to bypass You”; mentioned  Vahe Ayvazyan and called the  students to be differ  as today’s employers seek to such employees.

The  next speaker was Co-founder of “Braind” company Karen Babajanyan, who reported on “Who am I?” and called the attendees to think around the Question “Who am I?”, he presented his views on the issue, highlighting:  “I am my mistake, my decisions and thoughts”.

Karen Babajanyan advised students to live, to be happy today, just today and now, enjoying moments of success. “No business, no amount will be stable and permanent, the only important thing is the peace of the soul”.

Lawyer, accountant, author of  books “Basics of Business Ethics” and “Business Ethics” Tamara Avanesyan  presented the mandatory rules used during business meetings, interviews, as well as  phone conversations.

PR consultant Hayk Kirakosyan /“Individual PR. Create a Name”/, Team Leader of “AIESEC” outgoing exchange programs Lilit Manukyan, National Project Coordinator  of Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation (SBFIC) Anna Sadoyan made speeches.

Within the frames of the workshop a memorandum of agreement between the Director of Armenian representation of Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation (SBFIC) Natalie Vorobeev and ASUE  Student Council was signed.  

Winners of the interactive games, 2 teams, were awarded: the first one by “My bookstore” company, the second by ASUE SC.

Participants of  “Progress” were awarded certificates.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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