“Creativity in Advertising”: Master Class at ASUE

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Today, within the frames of Yerevan Outdoor Advertising Festival hold on November 20-25, a public master class on “Creativity in Advertising” was  conducted  at  ASUE by ZENO Group Creative Director Melanie Clancy  with   over 15 years of experience in advertising  and communication.

The  master class was  conducted within the  frames of cooperation between   ASUE SC  and the organizers of the Festival.

During the class  the speaker quoted the words of famous people in advertising and interpreted, which is the key of creating a good ad. Such as Ken Hakuta “Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea is an obstacle.”,  the  speaker assured  that the strong idea is the basis  of a good ad.

At the  end of the class the  speaker answered the students’ questions.

P.S. it is the second meeting conducted  at ASUE within the frames  of Yerevan Outdoor Advertising Festival: on November 21  Saadi Alkouatli  was  hosted at our University.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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