ASUE sport club will give a new impetus to the university sports

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The University's Chair of  Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense has started the year with new energy. According to the order of ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan, the chair has recently founded a sport club aiming to develop university sports. The mission of the sport club is the organization of sport events, preparation of the students for national games, intensification of inter-university cooperation and more.    

Hovhannes Gabrielyan, acting head of the above-mentioned chair, has been appointed as the head of the sport club.

"Our chair will operate the club, coordinate the work of the existing sport departments, gather together sport-loving students, lecturers and the staff. We have already outlined the upcoming events. In the beginning of February we will hold the traditional "Teachers Cup" inter-university championship, and then we will also organize the inner "Teachers Cup". In the second half of the year, we will focus on improving the students' fitness, preparing for the inter-university championships. We have much work to do, hopefully the club will give a new quality to the sport life of the university",  said Hovhannes Gabrielyan.

 ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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