2018 first session of ASUE Scientific Board was held

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Rector of ASUE, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chairman of the Scientific Board Koryun Atoyan held the first session of the scientific council meeting of  2018. Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations, Doctor of Economics, Professor Gagik Vardanyan presented the first issue of the agenda, concerning the annual reports about preserving and developing the funding infrastructure of scientific and technical-scientific activity covering the January-December of 2017 period. Project Leader, Academician of NAS RA, Doctor of Economics, Professor Y.M. Suvaryan presented the report on "Priorities of Public Management Efficiency Improvement in the Republic of Armenia". Associate Professor Haykaz Hovhannisyan, a member of the Research Group, presented the report on "Macroeconomic Situation and Perspectives of Armenia" program (scientific director, PhD in Economics, Professor I.T. Tigranyan).

The second item of the agenda was presented by the Vice-Rector Gagik Vardanyan, were the current (annual) reports on the scientific topics of the "Young Researchers' Research Assistance Program -2016" covering 19.12.2016-18.12.2017 academic year. Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Ruben Hayrapetyan reported the "Impact of Administrative-Territorial Reforms on the Effectiveness of Local Self-Government in Armenia", PhD in Economics Aghasi Tavadyan presented ‘The Evaluation of the Impact of Monetary Policy on Competitiveness of Armenian Economy". The above mentioned reporters presented all the details of their work, research findings, further actions. The Scientific Board approved the reports.

ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan presented to the Scientific Board the work plan for the second half of the 2017-2018 academic year, which was confirmed. The Scientific Board also approved the scientific directors and the topics of theses, approved to publishing the monograph "Methodological Issues of Business Failure Survey" by the  head of the Department of Commerce and Business Organization Chair, PhD in Economics, Associate  Professor Mikael Mardumyan. At the end of the session the Scientific Board admitted Student Council's financial report of the 2017 academic year.

 ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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