ASUE Representative Was Awarded the NA Speaker’s Memorial Medal

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Head of  the  Chair of Physical Training,  Emergency   Situations and Civil   Defense, ASUE, Hovhannes Gabrielyan was awarded the RA NA Speaker’s Memorial Medal for developing University sport and propaganda for a healthy lifestyle among students.

Note, that Hovhannes Gabrielyan is also Chief Secretary of the RA Student Sport Federation, Member of Management and Auditor of European University Sports Association.

Hovhannes Gabrielyan told us that he conducted working visit to Belgrade (Serbia) on November 10-13 and  attended EUSA Management session, during which University sport achievements in 2016 were summed up, and the measures outlined in the coming year have been discussed.

P.S. On November 10, the Speaker of the RA National Assembly Galust Sahakyan awarded a group of young people for their activities in the political and public life on World Youth Day and International Students Day.

Congratulations to Hovhannes Gabrielyan and wish him new achievments.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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