4 Sections, New Magazine for Young Scholars: Information on ASUE 26th Conference

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Head of ASUE Science  and PhD Division Khoren Mkhitaryan submitted information on ASUE 26th Conference “Modern Issues of Improving the Business Environment and International Economic Cooperation in the RA”, held on November 15-18, 2016.

More than 90 articles have already been submitted, which will be discussed in the below mentioned sections:

1. Management, Education Management and HR Economics /coordinator Y. Suvaryan, Head of the Chair of Management, Academician of the RA National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor/,

2. Finance and Accounting /coordinator A. Salnazaryan, Head of the Chair of Finance, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor/,

3. Macroeconomics and International Economic Relations /coordinator A. Grigoryan, Director of ASUE “Amberd” Research Center, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor/,

4. Linguistics, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense /coordinator S. Chalabyan, Head of the Chair of Languages, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor/.

Khoren Mkhitaryan mentioned  that the submitted articles will be reviewed in the frames of the Conference and only the ones which are guaranteed by the Editorial Board of Conference will be published.

In addition, it’s planned to publish new scientific magazine “Young Scholars” in order to promote the University’s  young scientific potential.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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