“Erasmus+” Information Days 2016 Started at ASUE

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Today, “Erasmus+” Information Days conducted by “Erasmus+” National office in Armenia started at Armenian State University of Economics, which is attended by the Minister of the  RA MES Levon Mkrtchyan, ASUE Rektor, Professor Koryun Atoyan, Director of the “Erasmus+” National office in Armenia Lana Karlova, Deputy Head of Cooperation Section  of the EU Delegation to Armenia Gregory Tsouris, ASUE Deans, representatives of the Faculty staff, collaborators, students. 2016 Key Action 1 (International Credit Mobility and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees) was presented during the meeting.

Head of ASUE Foreign Relations Division Vard Ghukasyan welcomed the event attendees, then gave the floor to Koryun Atoyan. Expressing gratitude to “Erasmus+”  National Office for conducting the event at our University, the Rector  proudly noted that our University has been able to achieve some success in the frames of  Erasmus+” Key Action 1 in this short period of time.

“Mobility of the University students and employees has a great importance on the way of  Universities’ internationalization.  It has an important role in Universities’ ranking methodology. As internationalization is one of the key directions for our University, we are a part of this process, which is difficult, but essential. As a result we find partner Universities, which are ready to cooperate with ASUE”; mentioned Koryun Atoyan. The Rector’s speech is available in the attached file (Armenian version).

Then the Minister of the RA MES Levon Mkrtchyan made a speech, stressing that the Office of “Erasmus+” in Yerevan has carried out  great work during these years, due to which we are able to take out an active part of our educational system to an international cooperation arena. The Minister highlighted that the participant of the mobility program should bring the information, which is necessary to improve the higher education system. “Reforms of  the higher education system are very important, and students are the bearers of these reforms,  they should be able to  contribute their knowledge and information”; mentioned Levon Mkrtchyan.

Then the Director of “Erasmus+” National Office in Armenia Lana Karlova made a speech, noting that  although the program has passed a long way of development and has been the partner of 183 countries, however, there are problems both in terms of cooperation and education system.

Deputy Head of Cooperation Section  of the EU Delegation to Armenia Gregory Tsouris presented the content, directions and opportunities of the program.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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