International Auditing at ASUE in the Frames of “PEOPLE” Project

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ASUE  HR Management Division informs that an international auditing was conducted at our  University in the frames of “Promoting Educational Organisation through people (PEOPLE)” Tempus project yesterday.

Project Coordinator, Leading Auditor Alicia Berlanga (Catalonia Polytechnic University, Spain), Auditors Marta Bail and Alexandra Sevinate Pontes (Higher Technical University, Portugal) were hosted at ASUE  and conducted auditing.

Project partner, Head of HR Management Division of Swedish Royal Institute of Technology Lotta Gustavsson also participated in it.

Vice Rector on Educational-Methodological Matters Paruyr Kalantaryan, Project Coordinator, Head of Quality Assurance Division Nerses Gevorgyan, Project Researchers Head of HR Management Division Gohar Sargsyan and Leading Specialist of Quality Assurance Division Ani Baghdsaryan directly participated in auditing, Leading Specialist of the HR Management Division Gohar Nerkararyan and Leading Specialist Meline Sargsyan also attended the process.

Policy, strategy, existing legal acts of the University HR Management, HR Division functions, reports on the work done and etc. were  thoroughly studied during the auditing.

At the end, the audit team highly evaluated ASUE.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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