Dialogue with Students is Characteristic to my Activity: ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan Met the 1st Year Students (photos)

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Rector of Armenian State University of Economics, Doctor in Economics, Professor Koryun Atoyan  has set a beautiful tradition of meetings with the 1st year students, which are open, accountable and evidence of student-centered approaches and continue to get wider feedback.

Today the regular meeting was held. First, Koryun Atoyan  congratulated the  students, then made a brief speech presenting the University achievements towards all directions of activity, development of research activities presenting creation of “AMBERD” research center in this context, improving the education quality, strengthening foreign relations, involvement in international programs, technical equipment, modernization of the educational environment, digital and QR library, active student life, University  remarkable everyday.

“Student years are the most remarkable ones in your life, at the same time the most determined years, when  you aren’t constrained by concerns and responsibilities and you should gain knowledge, which will smooth your life way. Just use the time given to you and try to become competitive specialists, which is very important in today’s job market”; assured Koryun Atoyan.  Referring to academic process, the Rector stressed that his work is open and ready to listen to and to consider all proposals aimed at improving the education and training process. “Dialogue with students is characteristic to my activity”; announced the Rector. He  also assured to cooperate actively with the Student Council, also present proposals.

Then the  students asked their questions, which were very diverse and related to different issues: intermediate and final exams, absences, grading system, transition from Bachelor’s professions to Master’s specializations, rotation, diploma recognition in Europe, foreign language teaching and etc.

Koryun Atoyan  mentioned  that information on University regulations, international programs, University development, measures is  available in ASUE official website (www.asue.am).

The meeting ended with applause, students and the Rector thanked for the meeting and once again called for active cooperation.





ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division

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