US Peace Corps Volunteer Completed Activities in Yeghegnadzor Branch

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Brian Saliba, US Peace Corps volunteer completed two-year-activity in ASUE Yeghegnadzor Branch.

Sos Khachikyan highly evaluated Brian Saliba’s activities and mentioned  that great responsibility and consistency were characteristics of his work.

“Economic Research Center in Yeghegnadzor Branch was set up by Brian Saliba’s efforts, then it was equipped with the necessary equipment. He also supported to creation of the  Conference Hall, where distance seminars are conducted”; said Sos Khachikyan and added that the  volunteer conducted English trainings, research projects, seminars, guided the students to a number of questions.

Sos Khachikyan awarded certificate and a symbolic souvenir, which the students had prepared themselves.

The photos were submitted by ASUE Yeghegnadzor Branch.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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