Useful gift to future statisticians

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Today, Lusine  Harutyunyan, Associate  Professor  in  the  Chair  of  Languages, ASUE,  Candidate  of Philology,  and  Lusnie  Karagulyan,  lecturer, acted  with a  beautiful  and useful  initiative  on  the Knowledge Day.

They  denoted 38  examples  of  “Exact English” handbook (authors: Susanna Chalabyan, Lusine Harutyunyan, 2010)  to the 1st and 2nd year  students  of statistics specialty, Department of Computer  Science and Statistics, ASUE, which is foreseen for BA  and MA students of  statistics  specialty.

Lusine  Harutyunyan  and  Lusine  Karagulyan congratulated new  academic  year  on behalf of  the  Chair  of  Languages  and  wished  good  luck.

ASUE  Media and Public Relations  Division 

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