“Economics” handbook has been published

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“Economics”  English  handbook  co-authored  by  Susanna  Chalabyan,  Head  of  Chair  of  Languages, ASUE, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Lusine Harutyunyan, Associate  Professor, Candidate of Philology, Armine Grigoryan, lecturer, has  been publish,  which is  foreseen  for economist students, professionals working in different fields of economics, as well as for those wishing to use the professional literature published in English.  The  handbook  has been guaranteed for  publication  by  ASUE  Scientific  Board.

Susanna  Chalabyan informs  us  that the  handbook  is  foreseen  for  both  BA  and MA students. The  book is available in our  University  Library (online  version also).

Congratulations  to the  authors.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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